This FAQ addresses questions for Windows, Mac and Linux versions of 911 Operator.
What languages are supported in 911 Operator?
Full voiceover:
Simplified Chinese
Where do I get the game from?
The console version is currently not available for purchasing or testing. Please stay tuned to our Facebook page for details of when the console version will be released.
I've found a bug
Send us a description of the bug to with the following information:
Description of the bug
When/Where the bug happen? (Mode of a game, city, taken action. Try to give us enough info to find this bug in game.)
Have you spotted this bug more than once?
Which console are you running on?
Screenshot if possible
Thank you for every reported bug! Thanks to you we could make our game better. We’ll try to solve the bug as soon as it possible.
I can’t download a map. I got the message: “Sorry, server is not available at this time, please check your internet connection or try again later”.
Check your internet connection.
Try again later. We’re trying to do whatever we can to provide you access to the server.
However, there could be some breaks in access to the server, because of heavy internet traffic.
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